It was a good run, but it seems like the winter season is officially settling in around west-central Saskatchewan. 

The foray into winter weather means that consistent winter driving is also around the corner. Following early snowfall in November 2023 we spoke with the Kindersley RCMP to see how drivers responded, and minus a few fender-benders, Staff Sgt. Kevin Peterson said things were pretty quiet on the icy front.

With the possibility that some people took a later start to winter for granted, local police have some tips behind the wheel surrounding the upcoming snow and cold. After a 60% chance of flurries Friday into the weekend, it looks like the next blast could hit Tuesday.

"Everybody's got to adjust, and take that extra second to slow down for the winter conditions." stated Peterson. "Snow tires is a big thing too. There are probably a few people caught in transition."

5 day forecast Jan 5 2024.jpg Things are looking cold next week after Tuesday night (Screengrab via 

The final week of 2023 saw record temperatures in a few different spots around the province. Now in the first few days of 2024, the forecast is finally showing signs of colder temperatures into next week with daytime highs of -20, and nighttime lows of -30.

Keep up with local forecasts HERE.