Leaves are changing to beautiful colours around Saskatchewan and will soon begin falling from the trees, if not already.

Residents in Kindersley will be looking to start cleaning up and preparing for the cold Canadian prairie months ahead. People will be looking for a place to dispose of such items as leaves, branches, and other items found in their yards.

Some of these items cannot be placed in the personal garbage bins provided by the Town of Kindersley. But the town is offering a location for residents to drop off their yard waste.

Senior Municipal Enforcement Officer Daryl Olson from Kindersley Town Administration spoke to West Central Online on where residents can take their waste. "We have a free area at the waste site for any vegetation, and they have to take it out of the bags," said Olson, mentioning it's important for residents to not leave the leaves in bags because it will ruin the load. "It's just for leaves, garden produce, stuff like that."

Olson added how people can also call Loraas for a bin to help with disposing large amounts of yard waste during their cleanup.

Colder temperatures mean some wildlife will be looking for shelter, and sometimes they will target items left in back alleys and yards. "Right now animals are looking for places to hibernate," said Olson. "They should not store bags of leaves or anything around because it's a good place for heat, and a lot of mice, snakes, and rats will find them."

Olson explained how residents should contact the town if they do find wildlife such as muskrats hiding in their yards. Staff will promptly transfer them back into the wild in a safe and timely manner.