The Kindersley RCMP are providing some tips for the public when it comes to protecting their mail.

It's not out of the blue, as just last week members were tasked with investigating the break-in, and theft to several mailboxes in the Rosedale area of Kindersley. A post on social media back on January 23 shared that some 60 mailboxes were broken into, leading to the following tips from Kindersley RCMP on preventing mail-theft.

  • Collect your mail frequently and ensure your address is always up-to-date at both the post office and financial institutions.
  • If you will be away, have a trusted person collect your mail during your absence.
  • If you are sending money, consider using electronic methods. If you must mail it, consider using postal money orders, available at the post office instead of cash or cheques.
  • If you witness suspicious activity surrounding mailboxes or a post office, report the incident to your local RCMP.

Anyone who was affected by the local mail thefts can report the incident to the Kindersley RCMP directly, or online at

Read more from the local RCMP detachment below as they were involved in quite the investigation last Friday.