Cannabis retailers will be able to operate pop-up locations at adult only events in Alberta as of the end of this month.

Saskatchewan Health Minister Everett Hindley says the province will watch its neighbour closely but has no plans to follow suit.

“Cannabis retailing and distribution rules vary by province,” he said. “For the most part, from what we've heard from retailers, they seem to be pleased with Saskatchewan's open and flexible model.”

He explained that Saskatchewan is the only fully private system in the country, and retailers don’t pay provincial markup or go through a listing process. This means retailers can order from any registered producer and products.

While the legislation is nowhere on the province’s radar for consideration, Hindley said they will be watching it closely and listening to feedback. 

“Some of the features of our system are more beneficial to retailers than in other provinces, such as in in Alberta,” he added. “I think we've had a few inquiries to the Ministry of Health, but it's not something that's being actively considered at this time.”

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