The Kinsmen Foundation's Telemiracle is set to air at the beginning of next month and is facing some new changes to pandemic mandates.

While proof of vaccination mandates have already been lifted, the mask mandate that's set to be gone by the end of the month will also be lifted by the time the show starts.

The Telemiracle's goal is to raise money as part of a broadcast lasting March 5 and 6, bringing on a variety of entertainers for the event.

In what will be 45 years since the event began, organizers are hoping that this year will be a generous one.

Kinsmen Foundation Executive Director Richard Kies says they're seeing plenty of progress for their upcoming show.

"Things are coming together, we're just a few weeks away so we're getting ready for the big show in Regina, March 5 & 6 and lots of fundraising events going on and our 50/50 raffle going on as well, so things are all coming together."

A good amount of Kinsmen and Kinette clubs around the province will also be hosting fundraisers for what will be Telemiracle 46.

Kies says that the Kinsmen Foundation learned how to put on a good Telemiracle during the pandemic from last year's show.

"We learned a lot last year, and changed how we did the telethon, but we ended up having a very successful event last year and I think that experience is really gonna help us put on a really good event and a really successful fundraiser again this year."

"We've been following all of the public health guidelines and making sure that whatever we do," said Kies, "We're providing a safe environment for all of our volunteers and cast and everyone that's involved in the show, so like I said we've been adjusting as we go and it's nothing new to us, we've been adapting to whatever the changes are."

2022 looks like it'll be a good year for the Telemiracle and the Kinsmen Foundation, says Kies.

"We're looking forward to having another really successful event. I think Saskatchewan folks proved last year that the pandemic wasn't going to dampen their enthusiasm for supporting Telemiracle because they know all the money stays in Saskatchewan and they know that it's helping their friends and neighbors and their communities."