Pink Shirt Day is an annual display of support for kindness and compassion to others in an effort to recognize the impact of bullying. This year, the official day is February 23, but because that day falls on the Family Day week long break, many school children will be donning their pink shirts this week. 

Pink Shirt Day Marengo Picture via Nicole Phaneuf Triffo and Westcliffe Composite School

The idea comes from two incredible Nova Scotia high school students in 2007. When a fellow student was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt, they decided to take a stand. They went out and bought pink shirts to give to fellow students to show their support for a boy who was being bullied simply for wearing a pink shirt. 

National organizers of Pink Shirt Day note that earing a pink shirt on this day sends a strong message to them that others care. Often, the simple act of wearing a shirt can start conversations - conversations can be a big step towards healing and helping.