The Outlook pool fundraising committee received some wildly good news recently, when they got word that Cor Van Raay, a leading cattle producer in the country, wanted to donate $500,000 to their cause. Tony Peter, lead organizer with the committee, talked with West Central Online about the donation, and how instantly they'll be able to look into starting construction on the pool June 1st, 2017, with a completion date eyed for the beginning of summer 2018.

Tony also stated next Wednesday, August 10th, as the next time town council is slated to meet and they will decide officially if they will go ahead and confirm the construction start for June 1st, or otherwise. The committee for fundraising for the pool was created on a November evening in 2013. Now, years later Tony and the rest of his committee are not done yet, but are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. The pool committee will be having a meeting on Thursday, August 11th, to decide what route the committee can go from here to finish off the remaining fundraising. 

Whether the pool gets completed for the start of summer 2018, 2019 or 2020, the pool is almost certainly a 'when' and not 'if', thanks to the extremely large and generous donation. Good news for everyone involved!