The Biggar RCMP made a few recent arrests looking at their May 20 report. Those calls joined a reported theft, a vehicle on fire, and driving infractions during the week.

Beginning with the pair of arrests, Biggar RCMP detachment commander Sgt. Dereck Crozier shared that the first situation took place after harassment complaints surrounding the local town office.

"An alert was received from Biggar’s Deputy Administrator, Camille Box, that a member of their elected council had received threats from a local resident that had elevated concerns from the elected officials." shared the release. "As a result, 49-year-old Leroy Wall was arrested and charged for Criminal Harassment and Causing a Disturbance and will appear in Biggar Provincial Court on July 3."

The next arrest involved a family and a dangerous individual from North Battleford.

"Police and EMS responded to a violent attack in Perdue, that sent a mother, sister and grand father to hospital." it read. "21-year-old Ethan Bisset was arrest and charged with three counts of assault with a weapon and appeared in North Battleford court on May 16. He has since been released from custody on no contact conditions."

A theft also kept police busy during the week. Police would open an investigation after a blue 2022 Summit Turbo snowmobile was reported stolen from a shed in the RM of Biggar.

Road infractions were another big part of the recent report with it being the May long weekend. First off, to no fault of their own, a driver had their 2022 pickup catch fire while they were driving it. A 911 call from Highway 376 helped rectify the situation.

Speeding took a backseat in the most recent report, as traffic charges were headlined by a 35-year-old from Kerrobert given a 21-day suspension for operating a vehicle under the influence of marijuana while on Highway 14. Another call saw a 17-year-old driving their car into a jump, launching into the air after missing signs indicating a gravel obstruction covering a pipe crossing.

"The driver was okay but the suspension and radiator did not survive the flight."

Another notable call saw loose dogs in the Town of Kinley, scaring kids at a local bus stop while reportedly running around off-leash. Calls of that nature have been a common theme around the Biggar area lately, local residents may have heard Crozier speaking on the topic last week.

After that negative altercation, a positive story surrounding canines was a welcome sight. Murphy wasn't the only dog lost and found last week.

"A Blue Heeler, named Sasha, went missing around Monarch Road, but with the help of the rural crime watch group the dog was reunited with its family."

There were a total of 54 occurrences in this week's report. Read last week's Biggar RCMP report below.