Biggar RCMP were kept busy with Halloween, getting around to the October 31 calls to service in their latest report.

Extra patrols may have unearthed some bad pumpkins, but the detachment was able to key in on some fun with trick-or-treaters passing by the station. Members enjoyed handing out a few treats prior to the main office closing for the day.

"Thanks to all the youth and parents and residents that participated in the successful evening. It was great to have our local fire crew out as well handing out treats to all those great costumes." stated SGT. Dereck Crozier in the most recent report.

Crozier wasn't sure where to place his vote for the best decorated place will all of the great displays they noticed on patrol.

20231031_165742.jpgThe newest member only lasted one day (Photo via Biggar RCMP)

However, not everything was candy and chocolate.

"How different things can be from one place to another, after the trick or treating was done."

Focusing on the trouble that was seen, Perdue was "attacked by zombies", proceeding through town creating mayhem. Toilet paper and silly string was found littered around the commercial and school area, tampering was noticed with the railway signal arms, and burning pallets in the street cause Perdue Fire to make an appearance.

October 31 is typically a busier than usual day for local RCMP. Read more news from the detachment below.

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