Final Exams are underway for high school students across the province and it can be a very stressful time for certain students who are writing their first ever final exam.

Some students in Grade 12 still struggle to write final exams because of the high-end pressure, and can't find a studying method that truly works for them.

Biggar Central School 2000's Principal Kim Fick spoke to us about final exams and provided some helpful ideas for high school students to help prepare them for the upcoming finals they will be writing. Exams can be very stressful for those who already deal with a form of anxiety, so making things simple is an excellent form that seems to work.

Here is a list of ideas:

  • Preparation and organization throughout the semester is critical.  If you stay on top of your assignments and complete your work in a timely manner, you will feel less overwhelmed at exam time.  Utilize schedules and calendars to keep yourself on track.
  • Know how you study best and use those strategies.  Whether studying in groups or on your own, with or without music - once you learn how you study best, study that way for your exams.
  • Create a study schedule - Prioritize and budget your time for each exam and have a plan for how much time you need to allot to each.
  • Practice self-care - eat healthy meals and snacks, drink plenty of water, and get a good night's sleep in the nights leading up to your exams. 
  • Manage your study time and limit distractions.  Is your phone by your side or the TV on in the background causing you to be distracted?  Create the study environment where you have the least distractions.  Build in study breaks as well to give your brain a chance to refocus.

Good luck to all students in the region who are writing exams.