It has been officially one year for mayors in the west central region, after municipal election were held on November 7, 2020. There are a couple of new mayors who have completed their first year holding the position, including Unity mayor Sharon Del Frari and Biggar mayor Jim Rickwood. West Central Online sat down with Rickwood to discuss how things went in his first year in office. 

What did you accomplish in your first year as mayor of Biggar? 

“It's not exactly what I did, but it's what the council did, what we got accomplished. Of course, the revitalization project occupied a lot of our time, the majority of the hands-on work was done by our committee members who were just amazing. We implemented some more green initiatives in the past year, our solar project for the rink, we expanded on that. We got organic waste recycling bins now, we've developed our North Service Rd for the commercial business development and the businesses that are there. We're looking to provide a dignified working home environment for abilities challenged adults over 18. We're planning for future development, building and rebuilding their professional relationships. We participated in west central municipal government structure and transportation focus committees and provided economic growth and listened to all the projects that we've taken on. It's all about being responsible, we accept and been doing that in a professional manner. We heard the people last year with what they wanted and we developed a dog park and off leash park and we call it Central Bark. We're very proud of what we did this past year, it's been a busy year.” 

The Revitalization Project was the big news for the year in the Town. How are things going for that? And how proud are you of the Town for raising over $1.5 million so far?   

“We're really incredibly proud of the work the committees have done and are doing. We're getting to our target through tough times, which is quite a task, but who wouldn't be proud of the work that they've done and where we're heading, and I want to thank everyone that's had a part in that, whether they contributed to the project or worked on the project. It's really an awesome thing for a town our size to take on, I'm very proud of our Town over that. We had some street parties, some street functions over the past few months and it's really been a taste of classic Biggar because we used to have things going on our Main Street on a regular basis. This has just brought them back to light, and it's that community rebuilding spirit and it really is the spirit of Biggar. It’s all about revitalizing that spirit of the community, but making our Main Street look good and just bring some life back to where it needs to be.” 

What didn't you accomplish that you would like to now? 

“It's been a busy year and there's some of the veteran counselors that said, we haven't seen a year like this, we haven't seen times like this. So, we've had a lot to accomplish and we have had a lot of opportunities offering themselves and what we didn't accomplish this first year is on the very growing list for the future. We're very lucky to have a dedicated group of people working for us and making our looks, you know easier and the list of projects just keeps getting bigger all the time and it's just exciting.” 

With COVID, how did the small businesses fair in the Town overall? 

“Our small businesses were not unlike any other towns in many ways. The difference with our merchants and organizations adapted to provide ongoing services and unprecedented times for all of us. There were days that they had to focus on the future and not look at where we're at right now, the healing part of it, I guess. For the most part, the businesses learned to adapt, forge ahead and, really did provide the service to everybody, community spirit, and the shop at home. Every small town has to support local if we want to survive, but it's not just survival, it's to thrive, we have to have that shop at home, support home, attitude. Our businesses did suffer, but you know what? We're going to flourish.” 

Anything else you would like to add? 

“I’m very fortunate to have great council and administrative staff employees. They're all amazing and I want to thank them all. We offer a lot of services and exceed everybody’s expectations. We have a great future and we do invite everybody to come and experience Biggar and get out to Biggar on the 26th of November and see what our Light up the Night’s all about.”