Reminding residents about rolling stops was only the tip of the iceberg in the Biggar RCMP's latest report.

Members dealt with 50 occurrences over the past week, with seven traffic related tickets being issued, and twelve other warnings.

Poor driving decisions between the ages of 17 and 60 had police busy. In one case a teenage driver on Highway 4 was found operating a vehicle over the speed limit, while driving without insurance. That doozy of a joyride resulted in a $1,126 penalty in total. Going back a few birth years, police ran into a situation where a 60-year-old driver from Macrorie was located at the gas station trying to place the nozzle in his rear tire, while being two and a half times over the legal limit of alcohol in your system while driving. Another driver took a tough lesson, learning that it's still not allowed to operate a vehicle with open liquor. 

Sometimes alcohol and extra police work go together, and that was the case at Springwater Lake with the start of a new school year here. Biggar RCMP were happy to report no issues from what seemed like a fun and respectful time.

"A 'freshie party' usually provides a gathering somewhere. Nothing ran out of control, and the following day had only a small amount of garbage left behind with no damage reported. Overall, the youth gave general respect to the area."

Other calls during the week saw a taillight broken on the 300 block of 7 Ave E in Biggar. Police have reason to believe it was caused by a bicycle, though nobody has come forward with a confession.

Another complaint came in after police received word of name-calling and body-shaming at the activity centre, there was a separate noise complaint, and then another one regarding suspicious activity along Lizard Lake Road where people were reportedly shining flashlights. The final complaint came when a black SUV appeared to be checking people's lanes through the northern part of the RM of Glenside.

The report was capped off with a thank-you to the public for attending the Biggar RCMP 150 BBQ, and you can find that and other news coming out of this week's report in the related articles below.

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