Starting this morning, May 18, at 8:00, everyone aged 16 and over is now eligible to receive their first COVID-19 shot.

A school immunization program for those aged 16-17 will be introduced in June, but you can also be immunized at any other clinic or pharmacy. Parental consent will be required for minors to get a vaccine.

At this time, Health Canada has only approved the Pfizer vaccine for those under 18.

Currently, everyone aged 85 and older or those who had their first shot before Feb. 15 are eligible to book their second dose. However, the brand of your second vaccine must be the same as your first.

As of Monday, May 17, Seventy-four per cent of those over the age of 40 have received their first dose. Sixty-seven per cent of those 30+ have received their first dose. Fifty-nine per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.