A handful of West Central Pharmacies are set to deliver COVID-19 vaccine doses this week. At the end of April, the Ministry of Health announced that a pilot program would see a small number of pharmacists tapped to deliver vaccine doses. In the original announcement no pharmacies in the west central region were included. It now appears, as shipments of COVID-19 vaccine are expected to jump rapidly this week, a few local pharmacies were added to the pilot program, with little notice. 

“We found out on Monday,” Leader based Pharmacists Leah Butt said. “They said that we'd be getting 100 doses, and I actually thought it was arriving next week, but it's arriving today.” 

While being added to the pilot program occurred on short notice, Pharmacists like Leah were prepared for the eventuality. Conversations regarding vaccine delivery through pharmacies had been happening as early as last fall. As a result Pharmacists across the province had been participating in training to prepare for the vaccines' arrival.

“Yes, everyone was required to do training on all four types of vaccines that are available. Just so that you'd be prepared for whatever you received," Leah said. "All of the vaccines have to be refrigerated, so the ones that are kept in the freezer can be thawed for a certain amount of time. Once they're shipped out, that's when their thawing period starts, and then they're just kept in a refrigerated box until they arrive in a pharmacy. Then they go into the vaccine refrigerator here.” 

Once the vaccine doses arrive at local pharmacies, like the Leader Pharmacy, they will have about 7 to 10 days to use up their doses. The local pharmacies are responsible for arranging the appointments and ensuring those receiving the dose are eligible through the Ministry of Health vaccine guidelines. 

“Over half of my appointments filled fast. I just announced bookings were available, so they're not completely full, but this morning when it opened up to age 40 and the other frontline worker groups and then I got a lot more appointments booked,” Leah added. “I'm not really double checking as they book because people can book online for themselves, but when they come, if they're not eligible, then I would have to turn them away.” 

Locations in Leader and Eston are two west central pharmacies that have been confirmed to have received vaccine doses at this time. Riverbend Co-op Pharmacy Ltd. in Outlook, and two Rosetown locations in their Pharmasave location, as well as the Central Plains Co-op Pharmacy also have vaccine in stock.

Despite the limited number of available doses, Leah said it’s exciting to be included in the process. 

“Yeah, it's exciting,” Leah laughed. “I'm happy to see that there's lots of people that are wanting the vaccine, regardless of which one it is. I think that this 40 and up age group is really chomping at the bit for it to be their turn. So yeah, it's exciting. It's a little bit nerve wracking as well. Because it's kind of short notice. But I am looking forward to everybody having their vaccine and moving forward from this pandemic.” 

Anyone over the age of 37 are now eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccine in Saskatchewan. There are also a number of Frontline workers, including teachers, that are now eligible.