We’re about to get a quick reminder it is January with a blast of Artic air following an Alberta clipper. 

Much of Saskatchewan is receiving the first blast of winter weather this week following a very mild December and Meteorologist with environment and Climate Change Canada Alyssa Pederson explains how things are going to get worse before conditions improve later in the month. 

“We're going to drop even colder. Daytime highs are looking to be around the -30 mark, but there is some indications that by the same time next week, we'll be closer to –20 and then after that, towards the end of the month we should be back up into the minus 10s.” 

Pederson says extreme cold warnings are likely throughout West Central Saskatchewan. 

“Extreme cold warnings are prompted when we get to wind chill temperatures of –40 and with daytime high temperatures being in the minus 30s, it's likely that pretty much all of Alberta, Saskatchewan and much of Manitoba will probably end up with extreme cold warnings by tomorrow and or Thursday.”  

The frigid temperatures will follow behind an Alberta clipper which will pass through the area Tuesday into Wednesday. 

Remember frostbite can occur in minutes because of extreme cold temperatures.

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