Kindersley town council have announced the results from the water meter tests sent to the Canadian government, and are hoping the results will put the dilemma to rest.

Four water meter readings were sent to the government's department Measurement Canada for official word on whether there were discrepancies in the readings or not; 2 meter readings belonged to homeowners who were concerned of their high bills received from the town this summer. The other two readings were random choices according to councillor Bernie Morton.

Measurement Canada determined from their tests all 4 meters were found to be in the acceptable discrepancy and were also found to be working in the favour of the consumer. Council added how the meters are manufactured to work in the favour of the consumer.

Town administration sent a statement to all homeowners about their test results from Measurement Canada as well.

Town officials are hoping the outcome from the tests will put an end to the dilemma raised about the town charging residents too much for water bills from faulty meters. But, in some cases, it still does not solve the reasoning for why some residents were charged an excessive amount for their bills.

Council are offering the option to other residents who are concerned with their water meter readings to send them to Measurement Canada too. The cost to send your water meter for testing is $50.00 if the results arrive in favour of the consumer. If they do not, then the town will apply no charge to sending off the meter readings.