Rain has been a more common sight than snow to help close out 2023. With highs above zero degrees being noticed weekly at this point, the current winter weather has been a hot topic of discussion, and a point of contention for places such as Table Mountain Regional Park.

West-central Saskatchewan's top skiing attraction is beginning to get worried after recent periods of snowmaking, and very little to show for it thanks to the warm conditions being noticed here in November and early December. Back on December 4 they had just come off a few solid days of snowmaking, something, but not nearly enough with temperatures back hovering around the freezing mark.

General Manager of Table Mountain Lawrence Blouin gave a complete update on their efforts to date.

"We're not having much luck at all. We did make snow for 3-4 days (during the start of December), then it warmed up, and we haven't been able to do anything since then."

Blouin and his staff are waiting for temperatures to reach more winter-like values as we sit near the middle of December. They were hopeful to get some work done this past weekend, but the forecast still wasn't exactly catering to them.

"Dip down to that -14, -15 at night; that didn't happen." said Blouin as their focus shifted to Monday night. "When I was listening to the forecast (Sunday night) we were supposed to be between -15 to -18, and now we are down to -11 to -12. Still a slight chance we go, and then after that, the next two weeks there is not a heck-of-a lot out there that we can work with."

405420325_744966437672661_4186266849468170474_n.jpgSnowmaking is proving to be a challenge for Table Mountain 

The hill's original opening date was targeted for the Christmas break in late December. Unless the region gets a drastic turn in the weather these next few weeks according to Blouin, there is a slim-to-none chance that the hill is open for the holidays.

"Basically, with what we have made, if I can get three, four nights of -14, -15, I would probably be able to open one chair, and two or three runs or whatever," shared a skeptical Blouin. "Just looking at the two-week forecast, that's not there."

The longer the season is held off, it's looking like Table Mountain won't have regular programming until at least the new-year. They have a school-program with nearby students, and then school-ski-trips are another staple of their business that likely has to wait. 

"We will be open. The big question is when."

When opening day does hit, those who prefer the terrain park will have to cross their fingers that some of the parks new additions have been installed.

Blouin talked about purchasing the new equipment that should make Table Mountain a little more extreme.

"We spent 20 or 25 thousand dollars on four new features from Montreal, some rails and what-not. That was pretty exciting, those were delivered mid-October, and unfortunately they are still sitting in the parking lot," shared Blouin. "That's going to be quite an addition to our terrain park when we get it set-up."

Even though the season will be a short one, there is clearly still lots to look forward to.

"The staff here is looking forward to getting those set-up, and getting some people out here to come and enjoy them."

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