Rosetown RCMP are hoping to put an end to a growing string of thefts. 

Sgt. Jason Walder with the Rosetown RCMP called WestCentralOnline Thursday morning with the following statement.

"We've had several individuals call in so far that they have had their garages, or vehicles gone through and items stolen," began Waldner. "We are asking the general public, mostly Rosetown itself, to check their video surveillance. Any video surveillance that they have throughout the night to see if anybody sees anything suspicious, or sees anyone that is identifiable."

The investigation has become a priority with multiple items already stolen. More reports could be on the way.

"We are actively investigating it. We are anticipating that most likely as people get up for work, that we might find more."

Anyone with footage or other important information can contact Waldner directly at the local detachment.

"Anything that anybody could provide to us would be great. Just call the detachment at 882-5700, and we will go from there."

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