The Rosetown Cemetery Beautification Committee is proof that the system can and does work. The committee was reestablished at the last full Rosetown council meeting of 2019.

The committee will be tasked with promoting and recommending upgrades to the Rosetown cemetery through the town's recreation director. They will also be tasked with working with community organisations to help organise work bee events for planting flowers, and general cleaning of the cemetery.

The formation of the committee comes after a number of public criticisms from local business owners. The state of cemetery grass, weeds, and grade were all highlighted in presentations to council back in the summer of 2019. A number of monuments were also in need of care and repair. Also discussed was the perceived failure of past councils to respond to the deteriorating conditions of the cemetery.

The beatification committee was formed in response to those criticisms. The hope is the group will be able to find ways to improve the condition of the cemetery. While they won't have direct access to a budget, the committee will be able to make requests to town council through the recreation director.

A problem was brought before council in a  public forum, and a plan was put in place to correct the criticism. These steps are what should take place in our government system. Unfortunately now, only time will tell if these first steps continue in the right direction. Will the beautification of the cemetery actually comes to fruition, or will bureaucratic road blocks, and budget constraints get in the way?

One sure sign of potential success is in the already available volunteers. With the passing of the committee bylaw came the naming of a number of appointed members. Committees, like all organisations, are only as strong as the people involved. We're certain the committee will do good things.

If anyone is interested in being part of the beautification committee, or any town committee, you can reach out to town administration.