Election day for the town of Kindersley is just over a week away, and residents are continuing to formulate their choice for the next mayor of Kindersley.

Rod Perkins is one of two candidates running for the position of town mayor in Kindersley. Perkins has called Kindersley his home with his family for many decades.

He carries an impressive list of experience with him into the municipal election including:

  • 20 years as an executive for the Kindersley Klippers, and five years as the club's President (2009-2014).
  • Served as an executive of the Kindersley Chamber of Commerce for four years and one as President.\
  • Volunteering as a member of the Professional Conduct and Discipline committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Saskatchewan. In 2001, he received an FDA designation from the institute.
  • Was a board member of the World Junior A Hockey Challenge held in December of 2014.

West Central Online recently sat down with Perkins to talk about his aspirations and goals if he were elected mayor of Kindersley.

Why did you make the decision to run for mayor?

What would be the top three issues to face in the community if elected mayor?

How would you like to expand business in Kindersley?

What is one thing you'd like the community to know about you personally?

Any outside-of-the-box ideas to pursue if elected mayor?

Perkins added how he would like to see all eligible residents visit the polling stations and make their choice for the best councilors and mayor on October 26th.