Since today is Mother's Day it's about time we call up mom or the women in our lives who took up the mantle and just thank them for all the hard work they did and continue to do for us. Oh and of course loving us unconditionally.

Speaking of calling Sasktel wants everyone to know that while getting in touch with mom will most likely be on top of everyone's mind. It also means one of the heaviest data usage days in the year. This year, SaskTel expects to see the trend toward higher data use continue with just under 116,000 Gigabytes (GB) of data expected to be down and uploaded in Saskatchewan on Mother’s Day, an average increase of 25% year-over-year. Although video calls and voice over internet calls will take up the lion’s share of how people choose to communicate this Mother’s Day, Saskatchewan residents are still expected to place more than 800,000 and receive over 554,000 traditional wireless and landline voice calls.

If you’re looking to avoid the crush this Mother’s Day, SaskTel has a handful of tips that can help make sure Mama doesn’t end up disappointed like, avoid making voice calls during the peak hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. When using data-heavy apps such as video calling, be sure to connect to wi-fi where available. For SaskTel customers on the go this Mother’s Day, be sure to look for one of over 2,400 SaskTel select WiFi hotspots in locations across the province. And finally before that conversation with mom gets going, make sure to charge up your wireless device so you can avoid an unexpected interruption right when the reminiscing starts to get good.