The most recent school board update from the Sun West School Division didn't unveil too many changes, after their annual Board Organizational Meeting back on November 28 in Rosetown.

"Another term in leadership" was the phrase adorning the recent release. Both Board of Education Chair, John Collins, and Vice-Chair, Michele Whitfield will be continuing in their current roles for a second term. Whitfield represents subdivision 2, while Collins represents subdivision 6.

November 28 was also the Board of Education's regular monthly meeting, as they discussed the following topics:

  • The annual audited financial statement was reviewed and approved by the Board. Highlights include that only 5% of total expenses went to Governance/Administration, while the vast majority of expenses (92%) fall under Instruction, Facilities and Transportation.
  • The 2022-23 Sun West School Division Annual Report was reviewed and approved. The Annual Report with the audited financial statements will now go to the Ministry of Education for final approval. It is expected that they will be available to the public in January 2024.
  • Following the Board meeting, Trustees met with representatives of the Sun West Teachers’ Association to discuss matters of mutual interest.

Other highlights from the Board included a trip to Regina. Sun West's Board of Education Trustees attended the Saskatchewan School Boards Associaiton (SSBA) Fall General Assembly on November 12-14, as according to the newsletter, "the assembly included keynote speakers on the challenges facing education as well as resolutions and elections."

The board highlights also included the news from Jan Nasibog, a current member of the Provincial Youth Council, and shared a collaboration between Sun West students and staff to create a Communications Committee.

Screenshot 2023-12-05 104931.jpg The committee will look for potential ways to improve Sun West communications. (Pictured are the members {left to right}: Grade 11 Rosetown Central High School student Jan Nasibog, Human Resources Manager Michelle Lieth, Grade 9 Loreburn Central School student Vincent Yakiwoski, Communications and Marketing Coordinator Mike Fedyk, Board Trustee Ruth Griffith, Superintendent Kim Fick and Westcliffe Composite School Principal Erin Pincemin.)

This update comes from the December 2023 Edition of the Sun West School Division's Board Highlights monthly newsletter.

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