The Saskatchewan Liberals will not be the only political party searching for a new leader in the coming months.

Over the weekend, Saskatchewan Liberal Party leader Darrin Lamoureux announced he will step down from his position. Lamoureux held the title for three years from acclamation in 2014.

The party issued a media release on the matter where Lamoureux admitted this was the perfect time to leave his role with the party.

“While I remain supportive and positive about the long-term prospects of the Liberal brand in Saskatchewan, I feel that now is the appropriate time to step down to allow the renewal process that is under way to continue," said Lamoureux.

"This will also allow time for our members and new leader to prepare for the next general election.”

The Liberals intend to hold a leadership convention in 2018 with the Saskatchewan Party holding their event on January 27th in Saskatoon. In the meantime, Saskatchewan's Liberals will be looking for an interim leader.


Twitter: @MoisesCanalesJr

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