Kindersley FoodMesh continues to be busy in 2023, and recently got a generous donation from the Eatonia Huskies senior hockey team from a special game played last week. 

Barbe Dunn from the FoodMesh program was grateful for the donation, and she explains just how they mean to FoodMesh. 

“We feel that the donations are the backbone of our group here because we don't buy hardly anything. We have a very generous community which was exemplified by the Eatonia families and the hockey team. They not only brought in supplies that were expensive, but gave a very large donation as well,” Dunn said. 

“We serve a huge area and we feel that we're servicing Kindersley and within an hour around us, so it's important that every community is involved,” Dunn added. 

There continues to be a need for people to help out with the program. They pickup items every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from Buy-Low Foods, and sort it out and get ready for pickup those evenings. And those are the times where volunteers are needed, according to Dunn. 

“We can always use people to help in the afternoons to do the pickups at the store. And then in the afternoon we come back, sort and get it ready for the evening. In the evening we need people to help to serve. But then we need people also to make deliveries. So, those are lots of expansive areas. The other area that we need is having eyes and ears in the community to encourage people to call us so that we can cover as many people as possible.” 

Dunn encouraged people to call if you need or know people who could use the help for food. With inflation the need for FoodMesh has been as important as ever, and Dunn stated there were nearly 100 people picking up food one evening alone. 

The number to call is 306-460-9304, and you will contact Barbe directly.