Box of donations Legions across Saskatchewan have been collecting donations and sending them to the Saskatchewan Command to help fight homelessness. The Elrose Legion took part in this campaign and President, Shirley Brown, said the support from the community was amazing.

Approximately 10% of the homeless population are veterans and the problem is getting worse with many young veterans coming home and struggling after missions abroad. This campaign focuses on homeless veterans, former RCMP, and Canadian Armed forces personal.

Elrose has collected and shipped 10 large boxes of supplies to the Saskatchewan Command. From there, the donations are distributed as needed.

Brown said, with the success from the campaign, she is sure it will run on a yearly basis, "Word from Sask Command is that they have been overwhelmed with support... Their warehouse is full, so it sounds like they will continue this campaign every year."

While many may not think homelessness can be a problem for small town residents, Brown reminds that anyone can be a victim, "Just because you don't see the homelessness, doesn't mean it's not there."

Although this campaign has ended for the year, the Elrose Legion will continue to support groups to help veterans and their families.