Written by Tara Garcia

On December 18th, grab your hot chocolate and your fuzzy blankets and enjoy the CP Holiday train from the comfort of your own home.

The Canadian Pacific Holiday train will once again be going virtual this year as CP Rail spokesperson Salem Woodrow provides some background on this festive tradition.

"For 23 years now Canadian Pacific has been running its annual Holiday Train program that typically sees two trains run across Canadian Pacific's network to spread holiday cheer and shed the light on hunger issues across North America by raising funds for those in need."

Each year folks are asked to bring a food or monetary donation for the food bank and this year residents are still encouraged to donate to their local food bank or make a donation online to Foodbanks Canada to help with the national effort.

Woodrow provides a look into this year's fantastic lineup of performers.

"We have a wonderful lineup of artists for this year including Steven Page, The Strumbellas, The Trews, Sierra Noble, Odds, Tanika Charles, Aysanabee, and Keb 'Mo'". 

Woodrow adds that foodbank use has only increased with the pandemic and so the need is always there. She says CP Rail is honoured to continue to support the food banks and this year CP Rail will be donating $1.24 million dollars to 198 food banks in communities that ordinarily host the CP Holiday Train event. 

The event will be streamed on December 18th at 6:00 pm Mountain time and can be viewed on the CP Rail Facebook page, YouTube Channel and here where you can also find a full list of performers and donation links.