The Citizens on Patrol Program exists to actively keep an eye on the community alongside law enforcement, and in Kindersley the group has been active since January, 2001. C.O.P.P. volunteers are strictly for reporting suspicious and criminal activity, and their most recent statistics for January through June seem to be fairly normal.

C.O.P.P. relayed five different trouble calls to the RCMP, and 9 separate instances of doors or gates being unlocked or found open. The local group performed 21 patrols for over 168 hours, travelling over 1400 KM. 

The civilian unit is open for volunteers. More eyes on the streets can't be a bad thing, as all the group needs out of possible candidates is one or two nights a month for the purpose of protecting the community.  

If you are interested in joining Kindersley Citizens on Patrol, please phone S/SGT. Kevin Peterson at the Kindersley RCMP detachment at 306-463-4642. For anyone looking to buy a C.O.P.P sign for their window, or make a donation to the program can contact 306-463-9406. The cost is $30 for a 12x12 sign, or $5 for a 4x4.

C.O.P.P. releases a semi-annual newsletter with all of their recent statistics.