The Kindersley area continues to be highly profitable for the province through public offerings of Crown petroleum and natural gas rights.

The fourth of six public offerings was held on Tuesday which generated $2.1 million in revenue for the province. Of the 56 parcels available for purchase, 24 were from the Kindersley area totalling 5,293.318 hectares which sold collectively for $1,295,855.70.

The highest bonus bid for a parcel was for 259 hectares located north of Eston and went for $170,388.33, this land is prospective for oil in the Viking Formation.

Bronwyn Eyre, Energy and Resources Minister, said “We are encouraged by the confidence shown by the oil and gas industry in Saskatchewan’s prospects.” In Saskatchewan, the public offerings have averaged more than $500 on a per-hectare basis to date, this compared to approximately $275 per hectare being offered in Alberta.

“The industry continues to see Saskatchewan as a strong choice for long-term investment,” said Eyre.

This latest public offering brings the 2018-19 fiscal revenue total to $27.2 million, with the next public offering being held on December 4, 2018.