The Town of Eston is gearing up for a special end of summer pool party this Sunday.

At 12:00 PM a BBQ lunch will kick things off at the local Eston Lions Swimming Pool. $5 will get you a hotdog, a drink, and a bag of chips. Afterwards at 1:00 PM the pool will open for a free swim until the scheduled closing time, but not before a ton of fun and games in-between.

The games will run between 1:00-3:30, including coin toss and the return of the 'pie in the face' competition. It was a major hit last year, and swimmers will have an opportunity to once again cast their vote for $1 leaving the lifeguard who tallied the most to be left with a face full of whipped cream.

They might be in the crosshairs, but Sunday's swim is actually a send off for some of the pool's dedicated summer employees.

Residents should be rest assured it's not the end of the swimming season, as the recreation department wanted to share the pool won't close for the season until the end of the month August 31.

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