LED Underbody Underglow Kits can legally be installed on vehicles in Saskatchewan but you usually can't actually legally use them while driving on public streets in cities as well as on highways in the province.

"These lights are mostly used for display purposes or for car shows," told Jennifer Sully, Communication Consultant for SGI. "The main thing we want to stress is that it's about safety with these lights. So we just want to make sure that these lights aren't impeding any of the other lights on that vehicle for the safe operation of that vehicle. So if these lights are impeding any of the brake lights, head, tail, or signal lights or anything like that and a law enforcement officer or peace officer sees that someone can be issued a vehicle inspection ticket for that."

She added that there other underglow light regulations such as no red, white, blue, or green flashing lights as they could be mistaken as emergency vehicles by other drivers.

"As well if the lights are deemed to be distracting to other drivers they could be issued a vehicle inspection notice," Sully explained.

Once someone receives a vehicle inspections notice ticket they would need to take their vehicle into the appropriate location stated to have their vehicle inspected to see if their lights meet the legal standards for Saskatchewan roadways.

For more information on the current regulations feel free to visit the official SGI website and for more specific details on vehicle inspection notices and what is actually performed during the actual inspection please view this page on the SGI website.