Written by Maury Wrubleski

SaskEnergy has a timely reminder for its customers who use natural gas for home and business heating. Cooling temperatures means furnaces will be back in action, and its important for customers to be aware of carbon monoxide safety. 

In a release, the Crown utility reminds residents that carbon monoxide (CO) is an odourless, tasteless, invisible and poisonous gas, produced when fuel-burning appliances such as furnaces, stoves, water heaters and fireplaces malfunction. Dangerous levels of CO can build up when there is insufficient ventilation and an inadequate air supply.

At low exposure levels, CO can create flu-like symptoms. Continued exposure can lead to much more dire consequences including unconsciousness, loss of muscle control, brain damage or even death.

In Saskatchewan, emergency personnel respond to approximately 1,300 CO incident calls annually. Between 2015 and 2019, 16 deaths were recorded from CO poisoning.

SaskEnergy tells customers that CO poisoning can be prevented by following some simple safety guidelines: 

  • Installing CO alarms to detect and alert people to danger before physical symptoms appear;
  • Proper installation, and annual maintenance and inspection of gas equipment, chimneys, and gas appliances by a licensed gas contractor; and
  • Keeping the area around gas equipment and exterior vents free of debris.

For more information about CO safety and prevention tips, visit the SaskEnergy website.