After a successful campaign from 2016, volunteers from the Rosetown community area will be tidying up the neighbourhood again in 2017.

Last year's event took place on a Saturday which lasted approxiamtely three hours. Volunteers were allowed to sign up in groups and were assigned specific areas in the town in which they were to pick up any garbage over the winter/spring season. Everyone is welcomed to this event, so if you hadn't signed up yet, you were still given an area to clean to the best of your abilities.

This year's event is being designed with more flexibility. Instead of limiting the cleanup to just one day, this year's Community Cleanup will be running from May 23rd-May 27th which will allow for more time for volunteers to clean the amazing town of Rosetown. Volunteers have the option of taking just one time slot to clean up the town, or if possible, taking several spots.

All of the residents that wish not to participate in the Community Cleanup this year are being asked to kindly clean the areas of their own property, as well as to help out neighbours with their cleaning.

Tourism Rosetown is organizaing this year's event again, and are looking forward to another successful year this spring.