If you've noticed the water smelling a bit off, you're not the only one. The local rant and rave has had a few comments dating back to August 16th. The Town reported with a comment on the same social media post that the current water situation is being caused by a leak in the Snipe Lake area.

Town of Kindersley Deputy Administrator Kim Vogel says the water was being drawn from a local source until today. The CN water reservoir, as it's called because it was on a piece of land bought from the CN, is where the water has been coming from since the snipe lake leak. The water has an odour because it's a standing body of water and we've experienced a lot of heat this year. She says that it meets and exceeds provincial water standards.

Town water is now being drawn from the river again, and it may take a few days for the odiferous water to be completely out of the system.

Odd smelling water can be caused by a number of factors such as high amounts of minerals or bacteria in the water supply. If tap water smells like sewage it's most likely bacteria, and can be because of clogged drains or a faulty hot water heater. If the water smells like rotten eggs, its probably H2S gas. It's normally never at a concentration high enough to cause any harm. Tap water that smells like bleach is often because of the municipality treatment. They'll add chlorine in order to disinfect the water supply. In the end, foul smelling water can be harmful and the best way to determine if it's safe is to have it tested.