There are many important groups in Kindersley, and the Canadian Royal Purple Society are one of them. 

This particular group champions awareness and education relating to brain injuries. Royal Purple also raises money for charities, groups and individuals that require help. 

According to their webpage,  

“While retaining many of the rich traditions of the original Royal Purple of Canada, the reimagined Canadian Royal Purple Society has embarked on a bold path of modern volunteerism. 
Incorporated nationally and provincially in five Canadian provinces, the modern membership of men and women enjoy continued expansion, and have added a new provincial association and four lodges in four years. 
The Canadian Royal Purple Society serves the needs of their communities and provinces with enthusiasm and success. “ 

Darlene May, President of both the Kindersley chapter as well as all of Saskatchewan has family that has been affected by brain related injuries, making this a personal cause to champion. 

May explained to WestCentralOnline that they have donated time and thousands of dollars to groups and schools within town and the region. 

“We put care bags together with personal items and stuff and we donate them to shelters and the crisis center throughout the province and it went Canadian wide.” 

The Kindersley chapter is also at the moment looking for more volunteers to help. 

More information on events can be found at the Candian Royal Purple webpage here