It's the time of year to remember to be bear aware. As warmer weather settles in, our furry friends will be leaving their dens in search of food.  

Black bears are found throughout most of the province. They are commonly spotted in northern Saskatchewan forests, but their range extends southward into the aspen parkland and into other areas including the Touchwood Hills, the Qu'Appelle Valley and the South Saskatchewan River Valley.  

"Remember, Saskatchewan is bear country," Environment Minister Dana Skoropad said. "Bears and other wildlife are a natural part of our landscape. Taking some simple, proactive steps can help protect us and the bears from potential conflicts." 

Bears become a nuisance and a threat to public safety when they associate humans with their food source. Some items that can attract bears include pet food, household waste and overloaded compost bins. Removing these and other attractants will reduce the chance of an unwanted visitor to your yard. 

West Central Online talked to Wildlife Biologist Matthew Tokuruk, and he gave some tips to be safe around bears. 

“With bears, we don't want people feeding or approaching bears or bear cubs. And the main thing is really stay calm, don't run. Generally, wildlife is going to continue.” 

He then went to talk about what happens if you encounter a bear.  

“If you do encounter a bear, that's kind of in your way, make a detour. Calmly back away and don't look directly at the bear. Move towards some cover, if you've got a vehicle nearby head there, or if you got a building nearby, head there too.” 

Tokuruk also stated the importance of carrying bear spray while you are camping in the province. And noted what do to in the rare case of contacting you. 

“In the exceptionally rare case, that a bear contacts you, of course that these are black bears we have in Saskatchewan, fight back, don't play dead. But I really want to stress how rare that scenario would be.” 

To further protect the public, provincial regulations prohibit the feeding of bears, wolves, cougars and coyotes. This regulation does not apply to landfills or hunters and trappers operating under a licence.   

Steps for bear-proofing your yard include: 

  • Store garbage in a secure building or buy a bear-resistant container. Only put your garbage bin out on the morning of collection.  

  • Wash all recycling items and regularly clean garbage or recycling bins.  

  • Ensure pet food is stored where it is not accessible to wildlife. 

  • Only use bird feeders in the winter while bears hibernate. 

  • Do not add fish, meat, fat, oils, unrinsed eggshells or any cooked food to compost bins.  

  • Properly clean and store barbecue grills after each use. 

If a bear (or other wildlife) is posing an imminent risk to human safety, call 911. To report an encounter with aggressive wildlife, call the Turn in Poachers and Polluters (TIPP) line at 1-800-667-7561. To report concerns about nuisance wildlife, including bears, call the Ministry of Environment at 1-800-567-4224 or email  

Additional information about bears and bear safety is available at