The discussion for reinstating parking on the northern side of Main Street has been defeated by Kindersley Town Council.

At Monday evening's council meeting, a motion was brought forth to council for bringing two hour parking back on Main Street from 7th Avenue to the North Service Road from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. The request was presented by Kindersley resident and owner of Kindersley Vacuum Kathie Elmhurst, who provided council with a petition containing 60 signatures to go along with the request.

A second request was made by Elmhurst for council to consider creating a 20 minute parking in front of her shop due to her customers carrying heavy items into the establishment.

One of the main concerns councillors discussed with the request was the cluttering of posts along the strip to indicate the different parking zones. Councillor Randy Ervine added how he was concerned Elmhurst's request for 20 minute parking could ignite other requests for specific parking in front of their respective business.

Council had an opportunity to view the signatures on the petition before conversing on the topic. During the discussion, some councillors mentioned how they were unable to find multiple signatures from businesses from the same stretch of Main Street on the petition. Councillor Ken Francis expressed his worry for creating a bylaw for one business, but was in favour of exploring an option for group parking in a specific location in the future.

Mayor Rod Perkins concluded the conversation by bringing the motion to a vote which was ultimately defeated by council.


Twitter: @MoisesCanalesJr

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