Agriculture In The Classroom Saskatchewan is an organization dedicated to educating students on agriculture in the province.

The non-profit is looking to create a new generation of producers and agriculture experts and deploys a variety of resources in order to teach others.

One of these resources includes a website, which was launched earlier this year, which details some of the details on agriculture in Saskatchewan.

That website recently hosted a new update, which added a few new features to the website and a whole lot for students to learn. 

Sara Shymko, the Executive Director at AITC Saskatchewan, says they're looking to tell the story of Saskatchewan agriculture.

"A couple of days ago we did a launch of phase two, which included 67 new sections on the website. so this website is really designed directly for students in grades three to seven to help them explore the past, evolution, present, and future of agriculture and even deeper into Saskatchewan and how we came to be as a province and our history," said Shymko, "And all of the great pieces that help tell the story of how we came to be and how we are today."

The idea behind making a website has been on Shymko's mind for a while, but the COVID-19 pandemic was apparently a great opportunity to finally develop the site.

"This had been an idea that I'd had for a few years but never really had the resources or the time to do it," said Shymko, "Then, of course, we couldn't go into the classrooms due to COVID so we needed to pivot really quickly and this was on the backburner, and knowing that students and teachers would be looking for digital resources this was a really good fit for us to take this project on."

Even now, the AITC has even more work to do, both on the website and with other resources.

"There's a couple of sections that we have yet to complete, the sections on the Metis people and agriculture, we're building out some of our livestock section," said Schymko, "Both for livestock and for adding things in the future, we would love to add some more Saskatchewan-based videos, some more vignettes for the website."

"We're doing lots of things. We have a couple of other new resources that will be launching in the next three months here, and then Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month takes place in March, and we'll be putting a call out for volunteers from the agriculture industry." 

Shymko says she hopes they'll be able to get back into classrooms this March.