With files from Cooper Douglas 

International Womens Day has started, and with that West Central Online went out to talk with some of the many female leaders who represent different parts of our community. There are to many to name so this is just a drop in the ocean of all the strong woman leaders who hold up Kindersley as a whole. 

In no particular order: 

Anika Becker – Facility Manager 

Anika has been a Registered Nurse for 16 years 

Why does she do it? She feels it is her purpose to help those at their most vulnerable. 

To inspire the young women coming up she would tell them to stay true to their values, and to choose a career you are passionate about because it won’t feel like work if you are enjoying yourself 

Anika BeckerAnika Becker


Danielle Shantz – Principal 

Danielle has been teaching for over 33 years.

What makes it worthwhile for her is surrounding yourself with good people and it makes things the job easier.  

She believes that young woman should always think big, and not keep yourself small. Also to not be intimidated by challenges, figure out what is possible in the moment and move through it. 

Danielle ShantzDanielle Shantz


Sarah Loerzel – Rink Office Manager 

She only started this position in May. In that short time everyone would agree without her, it would all fall apart. 

Sarah’s love of hockey has driven her to take on this unique role, having started following this path just after her oldest had graduated. 

She made it clear, that even though this is a male dominated industry, to just go for it and don't look back. It only takes one yes. 

Sarah LoerzelSarah Loerzel


Deb Wooldridge – Business Owner and Floral Designer 

Deb has been a floral designer for over 40 years. 

Her passion for floral design helped push her to start a business, which has been going for 34 years now. 

Her biggest advice she can give is to follow your dreams. If she can do it, you can too. 

Deb WooldridgeDeb Wooldrige


Celene Longmire – Vice Principal 

She has been teaching for 15 years, and plans on going back to school to achieve her master's in education. Focusing on education administration.

Celene has always been a leader, taking different leadership positions and courses. This caused her to naturally transition to where she is now. 

With 3 daughters she knows it's important to see women in leadership and strives to be this role model to all young women. Celene also wants young women to know everything works out, so just work hard and keep your eye on your goals.  

Celene LongmireCelene Longmire


Carmen Ledding - Program Director at CMHA Rosetown

Carmen Ledding is many things in Rosetown, one of them being a direct outlet through the Canadian Mental Health Association.

Basing the operation out of Rosetown, Ledding has been shining a light on mental health training around the region, something truly beneficial. 

Ledding is also active in the community. In past conversations Ledding mentioned that she routinely sings the national anthem at Rosetown Redwings games senior hockey games, is a hockey mom herself, and also teaches music in the community. 

Carmen Ledding_2.jpg


Janice Graham, Shaunesy Diemert, Elisabeth Hennes, and Kirsten Mclean - Teachers and Leaders of Power Play

These lovely ladies have been working together to facilitate and teach students in a new and innovative way. This is done through their program focused on learning life skills by running a small business. They have big plans for students, not just their own but all students within the division.

Power Play TeamJanice Graham, Shaunesy Diemert, Elisabeth Hennes, and Kirsten Mclean